Penn State 利哈伊谷 holds second annual Health and Human Services Job Fair

three female college students smiling at the camera

利哈伊谷 students and industry professionals networked with over 30 利哈伊谷 healthcare employers at the Health & Human Services Job Fair at Penn State 利哈伊谷.

Credit: Mary Kate Maguire

宾州中央谷. — For the second consecutive year, students and professionals interested in health and human services careers found a wealth of information and resources at the 2024 Health and Human Services Job Fair at Penn State 利哈伊谷 (PSU-LV) on April 11. The event was co-sponsored by Penn State 利哈伊谷, 麦哲伦医疗, Lehigh and Northampton Counties.

Over 100 students from Penn State 利哈伊谷 and its neighboring universities connected with representatives from 35 local providers and sharpened various skills through workshops and breakout sessions. 泰瑞Kistler, rehabilitation and human services lecturer and program coordinator at PSU-LV, said providers were hiring for a wide range of openings.

“It was a health and human services job fair, but students and job seekers in all majors with different experience found out about new opportunities,奇石乐说. “Even those with backgrounds in business, IT, 金融, 通信, or psychology found it helpful to attend and see what’s available at our local and regional employers who had openings at all levels of experience.”

The sessions reinforced many of the conversations attendees had with company reps.

“The sessions really helped attendees prepare for that interview,奇石乐说. “There was a lot of energy around the job fair, with students being prepared. They were ready to talk to prospective employers at the event. We had several providers saying they made excellent connections and gained some prospective new employees.”

Session topics included:

  • “How to Make Appropriate Connections with Hiring Managers”
  • “Identify Your Career Signal” with HIF Logic presented by Kathleen Houlihan from Dream2Career
  • Resume/Salary/Interview Negotiation Tips
  • Online presence best practices

小组讨论, moderated by Kermit Burley, program coordinator for IT and cyber analytics at PSU-LV, “非常健壮”,奇石乐说, with students asking thought-provoking questions and panelists sharing honest and practical suggestions. Houlihan’s workshop was particularly valuable, focusing on students boosting their confidence as they set out on their career path.

“People were really engaged and got a lot out of her presentation,奇石乐说. “It was a great collaboration between Penn State 利哈伊谷, 麦哲伦保健, 本地供应商. We hope to continue to provide this opportunity.”
